Thursday, January 22, 2009


Week 1 (ending Jan 24, 2009): Meet with Nicole Hill. Create a  blog page for the project. 

Week 2 (ending Jan 31): Contact all 3 area advisors to schedule first meetings.   Work on Treatment, Synopsis and Outline. Complete rough draft of narration text. 

Week 3 (ending Feb 7): Meet with area advisors to confirm direction, project schedule, and our student and advisor expectations.

Week 4 (ending Feb 14): Post first draft of text. 

Week 5 (ending Feb 21): Post second draft of text. Begin to collect found footage and plan shoot schedule.

Week 6 (ending Feb 28): Post final narration text.  Explore, in more detail, the Treatment (look, feel, photographic tools, sources for found footage) of the film in response to feedback and new resource information.  

Week 7 (ending March 7): Check-in with advisors. Collect found footage. Organize interview schedules/ interview questions. Research video equipment availability/ room reservations. 

Week 8 (ending March 14, followed by Spring Break): Shoot film/ collect found footage. Record narration audio.

Week 9 (ending March 28): Shoot film/ collect found footage. Import media to computer and begin editing.

Week 10 (ending April 4): Final pick-up shoots. 

Week 11 (ending April 11): Work on rough edit.

Week 12 (ending April 18): Complete rough edit to share with advisors and other faculty. 

Week 13 (ending April 25): Editing

Week 14 (ending May 2): Editing

Week 15 (ending May 9): Complete Editing. Make copies for advisors.

Week 16 (ending May 16 – Finals Week): yet to be scheduled presentation of project to advisors. Open to friends and public?

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


A working list of Works Cited, current readings, and relevant recent readings. Suggestions are welcome!  (Alphabetical by author)

Bornstein, K. “Who's on Top?" 1998. In My Gender Workbook: How to Become a Real Man, a Real Woman, the Real You, or Something Else Entirely, pp. 34-71. New York, NY: Routledge Press.

Butler, J. "Undiagnosing Gender." 2004. In Undoing Gender, pp. 75-101. New York, NY: Routledge Press.

Chase C. (2002) What is the agenda of the intersex patient advocacy movement? The Endocrinologist. Retrieved February 10, 2008 from

Coleman E. (1987) Assessment of sexual orientation. The Haworth press. PP. 9-24.

Currah, Juang, and Minter - Editors. (2006) Transgender Rights. University of Minnesota Press

Fausto-Sterling, A. (2000). The five sexes, revisited. The sciences, July/ August pp.18-23.

Fausto-Sterling A. “Reigning medical paradigm: Program # 248”. (March 6, 2000). Gender-talk. [Radio Program]. Retrieved March 12, 2008 from

Hyde, J S. (2005). The gender similarities hypothesis. American psychologist. Volume 60(6), September 2005, p 581–592.

Juang, Richard M

Karasic/ Drescher – Sexual and Gender Diagnosis of the Statistical Manual (DSM)

Lips, H. (2008). Sex & Gender: An introduction. New York: McGraw Hill.

Spade, D.  “Mutilating Gender”.  Spring 2000

Trinh T. Minh-ha