Thursday, April 30, 2009

Another Update


What a busy week its been.

Special thanks to this weeks interviewees:
Dr. Melinda Myers
Dr. Loren Cannon
Aubree Babel
and Mary Bockover

I have jumped into the fun and amazing world of editing together these exciting interviews, and combining them with my own research and other footage. I wish that I could be able to post clips from all if these new interviews, but the time has come to focus in on the editing of the project as a whole. Ill post more updates as the process develops. 

Thanks for following my progress!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds good Ivy. Seems like this is really coming together. Well Done!

    Also, turns out that my bad eyes and exhaustion on wednesday night was the beginning of some kind of cold or something. I ended up staying home from work yesterday to sleep and try to fight it off. I trust you to edit out any incomprehensibilties I may have uttered through my head-cold haze...

